Alberto Alcolea - @albertoalcolea

Alberto Alcolea Developer and Music Lover

I'm a passionate about new technologies, software engineering, data processing and the Web. Lover of *NIX systems and the Open Source movement.

My work

Datumize logo


I worked for 7 years as a software engineer at Datumize, developing, improving and maintaining the core product of the company, the Datumize Data Collector (DDC), a non-intrusive and modular system that allows capturing data from complex sources in real-time from within data centers and also physical premises.

I also work in the R&D process of new connectors for the DDC to integrate data from complex and uncommon systems like industrial devices or industrial networks.

  • Deep packet inspection of industrial network protocols, such as Modbus, CanBus, OPC-DA or LonTalk; developing sniffers and custom-made clients which are integrated inside the DDC as connectors.
  • Connectors to collect data of applications that uses the Microsoft's DCOM protocol stack in a non-intrusive way.
  • I have rewritten an obsolete and abandoned Linux driver for a LonTalk network interface to be functional on modern Linux kernels.
Kampal Research screenshot


I worked for 3 years as a full-stack developer at this spin-off of the University of Zaragoza, which develops tools that add value to traditional statistics using complex network analysis techniques.

During the time I was working there I was focused in two projects: Kampal Social, which analyze the social impact of topics or brands in social networks; and Kampal Research, a tool for measuring and visualizing the scientific production of researchers and their interaction.

  • I designed and developed a system capable of ingesting and processing the 10% of Twitter in near real-time through the Twitter Decahose stream.
  • I developed a simple, but effective enough and fast, algorithm to determine the positivity or negativity of a sentence using Natural Language Processing (NLP).
  • The spanish national TV channel (TVE) showed our results generated in near real-time during the broadcast of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016.
Aragon Open Social Data screenshot

Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI)

I worked at the Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) as a student-trainee on the project Aragón Open SocialData of the Government of Aragon.

It was my final degree project and it is still in production since 2014.

Personal projects


Sound event detection system based on the open-source cross-platform PortAudio API.


Command-line tool to synchronize and backup your Gmail messages.


Web application to define OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and track and visualize your progress, to help improve your productivity and achieve your personal goals.


Interactive data visualization and extraction system for the selection of wealthy renewable resources areas.

Winner of the 2013 NASA International Space Apps Challenge in Madrid.

See more on Github